Our Services Include:
Our Tasks
Good Trouble Solutions provides a variety of consulting services for schools, businesses, and community minded entities interested in working towards doing justice. GTS provides large and small group training, assists in the development of innovative courses and programs, introduces community integration strategies, serves as a process facilitator for the hard conversations most institutions struggle to navigate, and builds out practical solutions tailored to your specific reality. Let's make #goodtrouble together.

Congratulations to our Founder, Franklin Oliver, winner of a 2023-24 Indiana Creative Teaching Fellowship.

Good Trouble Solutions (GTS) provides you with tools to help you develop and implement your efforts to increase institutional equity in all its forms.
Why Choose GTS?
GTS leverages more than a quarter century of both secondary and higher education experience plus wide ranging expertise in handling complicated, often sensitive issues. This combination is especially vital considering the current political climate, rapidly changing cultural expectations, and constantly shifting legal parameters.
From providing resources for a short term project to long term strategic thinking, GTS is built to fit your needs.
Are We Ready For Change?
Let’s have a chat and find out!
If GTS is a good fit for your organization we’ll know that quickly. GTS honors the goals, mission, and vision of every group with whom we work. Our task is to help you make your ideas a reality. We bring design thinking, expert facilitation, and a spirit of collaborative inquiry to every project. We also bring an extensive toolkit of resources and strategies, all in service of producing tangible results.
This Is Gonna Be Hard, Right?
Yes. And creating meaningful change is worth the hard work! That’s where Good Trouble Solutions comes in. GTS customizes strategies around your situation, needs, limits, and aspirations. We make the hard things easier. Challenges are never one size fits all. Solutions shouldn’t be either.
Reach out today to schedule a free, initial consultation with us. Let us know where you are and where you want to go. GTS is built for progress. Let's move forward. Together.
How Do We Get Started?
Together. Without some colleagues to build a vision with, no organization can create genuine change. But once you have a few like minded people dedicated to building a more just environment, the sky’s the limit!
After you have a sense as to what your situation is, reach out for help. We hope that you choose GTS but if not, we can help point you in the right direction. Toward progress.
I'm Franklin Oliver, Founder and CEO of Good Trouble Solutions.
Through many years as a high school teacher, students have asked me fascinating questions about my beliefs. The core answer is always the same: I am pro-humanity. That's been the point of my education and career. It's also why GTS exists. Let's make the world better one school, community, and business at a time.

Resource Board
Dr. Steve Brock
"When I was in Japan on a Fulbright, I learned that people there could be referred to as “living national treasures.” If anyone I have worked with recently were deserving of such recognition, it would be Franklin Oliver."
Peggy Scully Crawford
"Franklin... in today's sermon we were challenged to think of people we know who are prophets of our time. You immediately came to mind.
Blessings to you in your "ministry"!"
Anne Malavaud
"...once again thank you so much for all the love and efforts you put into your work. it doesn't go unnoticed and truly helps even years after!"
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